

變動成本,variable cost ,高點研究所

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Variable Costs

Variable costs are expenses that vary in proportion to the volume of goods or services that a business produces. In other words, they are costs that vary.

Variable cost

Variable costs are costs that change as the quantity of the good or service that a business produces changes. Variable costs are the sum of marginal costs ...

What are variable costs?

A variable cost is an expense that changes with the amount of goods produced or services provided. Variable costs are the expenses a business ...

What is a Variable Cost?

Variable cost is a business expense which is subject to change when sales volumes change. This could mean that variable costs either increase or decrease ...

Variable Cost

2023年10月15日 — Here, the variable cost is the unpredictable amount of transaction fees each month as opposed to a fixed monthly fee. For example, a company may ...

Variable Cost

A variable cost is an expense that changes in proportion to production or sales volume.

Variable Cost vs. Fixed Cost

Variable costs and fixed costs, in economics, are the two main types of costs that a company incurs when producing goods and services.


In some accounting statements, the Variable costs of production are called the “Cost of Goods Sold.” It is possible for a cost to be fixed for some kinds of ...